Recently, we connected with Cobb & Douglas County Community Service Boards and found that they provide excellent care and resources to families and children with developmental disabilities. In addition to providing families with helpful resources throughout the community, they also provide financial assistance for group and individual music therapy services. Below is a basic outline of services provided by the CSB:
1. Family Supports:
a. Age: 3+
b. Provides financial support to families who are on the Waiver planning list
c. Seen as a service gap
2. Community Access Group:
a. Center or community based program
b. Age: 18+
c. Group setting of up to 10 individuals 1 staff
3. Community Access Individual:
a. Community based
b. Age: 18+
c. 1 staff to 1 individual
4. Community Living Supports
a. Home based services
b. 1 staff to 1 individual
c. Primarily teaches ADL’s
d. Age:18+
5. Supported Employment
a. Age: 18+
b. Focused on finding employment
c. Starts with discovery of interests and abilities