
                  The members of Therabeat, Inc. were honored to be highlighted as “community helpers” at Knox Elementary School. Jennifer Puckett and I made our way to the school to speak to over 100 kindergartners about music therapy! We were thrilled to have the opportunity to advocate to such a young audience, since even many adults do not know what music therapy is. We explained the basics of music therapy to the students and showed them a video of our amazing kiddos making music at the clinic. After sharing our presentation, Jennifer and I conducted a sample music therapy session with the whole group of students. We did music and movement, instrument play, and sing alongs with body percussion among other interventions. The kids were such an eager audience, and we loved getting them engaged. What a unique advocacy opportunity, and what an honor it was for us to be recognized for the work we do in the community. 


-Alaina Brommer, Music Therapy Intern
