
Hello, My name is Sara Demlow! I am one of the newest music therapy interns here at Therabeat, inc. In college, my primary instrument was voice, but I have also played clarinet since middle school and enjoy playing guitar, ukulele, and piano. My favorite music to listen to is musical theatre and this is largely due to the influence my brother had on me as a kid, and even still now. Since I was young, he has been giving me new cast albums to listen to and we have been able to connect with each other through them. This was one of the many things that sparked my love of music that still grows and grows every single day.

I discovered the music therapy profession in high school and since then, I have known that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. My parents helped me search for colleges in the state that offered the degree and when I researched Georgia College, I knew that it was the school I wanted to go to. With my parents' support and encouragement, I made it to GCSU, and now I finally am working on the last puzzle piece to finish my degree.


Within my first week here at InHarmony, I can already tell how much of an amazing place it is and how much of an impact this facility has on the clients they serve. Not only will I get the opportunity to learn from the fantastic music therapists on staff, but I will also get to learn from the other therapists at the clinic (PT, OT, ST) and see how this facility works together to create the best possible plan of care for each of their clients. I am so excited to continue my journey of learning and look forward to the rest of my time here.


