
It’s so hard to believe that my time as a music therapy intern at Therabeat Inc. has come to an end. Time really does fly when you’re having fun! This internship has challenged me in ways that I never knew were possible. However, it has rewarded me in ways that I couldn’t have imagined. I started this internship feeling like a deer caught in the headlights. I’m leaving this internship as a new professional with the skill set to serve as an excellent music therapist.

I have learned so many skills, interventions, and songs throughout my internship experience. However, the most beneficial skill I learned was the ability to be flexible. COVID-19 affected my internship in ways that I couldn’t even have imagined beforehand. A lot of in-person sessions were moved to telehealth sessions, which challenged my session planning abilities. Even though this wasn’t a smooth transition, I believed that these months of telehealth sessions caused me to grow tremendously in so many ways. 

I’m so glad to be wrapping up my internship with the resuming of in-person sessions. Although I am grateful for learning how to navigate music therapy through telehealth options, it truly makes me happy to have the opportunity to see clients in person and continue to address their individualized goals. I’m also grateful for music therapy groups that have resumed at the clinic, such as Little Beats and Harmony Tots. Each individual client and group that I have had the opportunity to make connections with has impacted me for the better. I truly believe that these experiences have caused me to become even more invested in the field of music therapy and caused me to flourish and become a better music therapist.

I cannot thank Therabeat enough for this amazing, surreal internship experience. I plan to spend the next few weeks preparing to take my board certification exam so that I have the opportunity to affect my future clients as my supervisors affect theirs. I am so ready to start my journey as a music therapist and I am excited for what lies ahead!

Yours Truly, 

Jasmine Bailey, Music Therapy Intern
