My name is Macy Fehl and I am beyond excited to continue my internship journey with those at Therabeat! Before joining the Therabeat team, I began my internship at Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas. Unfortunately, due to the continual growth of the Coronavirus, I was unable to continue my internship in the hospital, but I am very excited to get the opportunity to complete my internship time closer to home with such an amazing team of people! 


You will find out very quickly I love Disney, all types of music, and being outside whenever I can! After being far away from the area I grew up in, I am very excited to be back investing in this community. I first knew I was interested in Music Therapy as a profession once I had the opportunity to see it in action my junior year of high school. I was so excited to see how music could be used in such a positive way to impact people.

I began my Music Therapy journey at Georgia College where my primary focus was voice, but I also learned to play the guitar, piano, ukulele and fun instruments like the steel drum and accordion. While studying in school, one aspect of treatment I always wanted to experience was getting to work alongside other forms of therapy. This is just one of the many reasons I am so excited to begin working with the Therabeat team to continue to see how important and beneficial co-treating between therapies can be. 

My first week was even better than I could have imagined! I have enjoyed my time getting to meet and work with all the staff at In Harmony Pediatric Therapy. I have never felt so at home so fast. It has been such a blessing to have everyone so willing to help me as I begin on this chapter of my internship. This week has reminded me how sometimes new things can be a little scary and take some getting used to. But, if you have an amazing team behind you, new experiences can be so much fun! I have loved getting to meet all the amazing clients that come in for all different types of therapies and cannot wait to continue to make new friends and fun memories. 

-Macy Fehl, Music Therapy Intern 
